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El Hajj Moorish American Goverment.Land
The Moorish American Government
"There Is No God But The Great God"
The Grand National Emblem
Continental American Territories

The Grand National Seal
The Moorish National Flag
8 - Department of Education and Truth
Home School – On Line Assistance
Foreign Language Studies – Spanish, French, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Swahili, Italian, Russian, German, etc.
Moorish Adult Education Basics – English, Reading, Mathematics, Trades; $25,000,000.
Moorish Children Education – Schools – Elementary, Middle and High Schools and Universities/ Training Facilities; 200,000,000.
Utilization and Rehabbing of Abandoned Buildings to codes for dwellings; 30,000,000.
Housing for Students – On and Off campus; $8,000,000.
Education in Hygiene, Health, Foods, Diet, Exercise, Arts and Sciences, Intuition and Telepathy; $3,000,000.
Moorish Text Books; 2,500,000.
Educating Moorish Authors, Poets, Song Writers, Musicians, Technicians, etc.
Moorish Mysteries and Adept Chamber; $2,000,000.
Moorish Lessons and History Redefined
Classes in Anatomy and Physiology Studies, Physicians, Sciences, Economics, Music, Yoga, Tai Chi, Arts, Agriculture, Horticulture, Farming, Business, Martial Arts, Teaching, Computer Sciences, Gymnastics, Financing, Meditation, Study of the Self, Character Building, Religion, Nationality, Transmutation, Telepathy, Silence; $13,000,000.
Drug, Sex and Alcohol Education and abolishment of Mental Slavery; $4,000,000.
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