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El Hajj Moorish American Goverment.Land
The Moorish American Government
"There Is No God But The Great God"
The Grand National Emblem
Continental American Territories

The Grand National Seal
The Moorish National Flag
5 - Department of Foreign Allegiance
Treaties, Allies and Alliances – e.g. South and Central America, South Atlantic and Pacific, African Countries and Nations, Asia, Middle East and Europe; $17,000,000.
World Service Organization
Moorish Visas, Passports and Rights to Travel Credentials; $5,000,000.
Moorish Translators
Moorish Student and Exchange Student Programs; $2,000,000.
Reports and Publications
Handling of foreign Parental and Child Abductors; $800,000.
Moorish Guide to Doing Business Nationally and Internationally
Prevention of Human Trafficking and Slavery; $900,000.
Moorish Travel for Peace Establishment $3,000,000.
Moorish Constitutional Education and Training for Divine Ministers, Ambassadors, Attaches’, Diplomats, Consular Generals; $5,000,000.
International Security Training; $1,500,000.
Security Facilities/ Surveillance
Prevention and Curtailment of Genocide and Hunger / UN Charter; $2,000,000.
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