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El Hajj Moorish American Goverment.Land
The Moorish American Government
"There Is No God But The Great God"
The Grand National Emblem
Continental American Territories

The Grand National Seal
The Moorish National Flag
2 - Department of Law Defense (Protection) and Justice
Establishing the Divine Constitution / By-Laws of Moorish America and Holy Circled Seven Koran as the Supreme Laws of the Land; $7,000,000.
Theocracy as our form of Government
Moorish Courts – Restrictions for Violators of National Laws; $4,500,000.
Educating Moorish Consuls at Law; $2,000,000.
Amicus Curiae National and International; $1,000,000.
Security Training for Officials, Staff, Consulates, Citizens; 4,000,000.
Mufti Force – Band of Swift Angels and Brigade of Mufti Forces (Elite Security) Uniforms; $3,000,000.
Psychic Self Defense – Martial Arts Training Schools; $8,000,000.
Prison Ministries - Training and Release into Moorish Society; $9,000,000.
Moorish Contracts
Tribal Elders/ Grand Body – Moorish Justices of Law; $800,000.
Moorish Boot Camps – Special Education for Moorish Youth, et al; 3,000,000.
Moorish Monasteries for Adept Education; $3,500,000.
Community Service to the needy; $15,000,000.
National Grand Mufti Network; 3,000,000.
Defense – Moorish Wisdom
Moorish Detectives, Surveillance
Moorish Administers of Justice
Networking with Other Governments – FBI, CIA et al $900,000.
Terrorist Surveillance and Security
United Nations
The Hague
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