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El Hajj Moorish American Goverment.Land
The Moorish American Government
"There Is No God But The Great God"
The Grand National Emblem
Continental American Territories

The Grand National Seal
The Moorish National Flag
10 - Department of the Library and Archives of Wisdom
Recording our History as we live it – Science of the Moors, e.g. Noble Drew Ali The Exhuming of a Nation, Book of Ali, Koran, 101’s, Prophecies and Hadiths, Elihu’s Lessons
Historical Film Making, lectures, Documentaries and other recordings; $5,000,000.
Moorish Documentaries on Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Moorish Science Temple and Moorish American Government
Moorish Libraries; $6,000,000.
Moorish Museums; $6,000,000.
Moorish Global Tours; $3,000,000.
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